Fall 2013

Fall 2013

Friday, May 25, 2012

Lack of updates

My computer locked up last night so I apologize for no progress report. Maia had another rough night. She didn't fall asleep until 2am and is already awake (7am). Staff feel it's more agitation than pain. Either way, it hurts to see her this way. She is not tolerating her tube feedings well, they've had to stop them for high residual amounts in her stomach. Waiting for official word, but doesn't sound like any evidence of seizure activity overnight. Hopefully, I can get on my computer fixed and provide a better update soon.


  1. Hi Melanie,
    Sorry I haven't commented in a while. We continue to lift Maia up before the throne and I also pray for peace, understanding and endurance for you and Mark.

    I was just at a conference for treating Ds as a biomedical condition. It was awesome, but the reason I'm telling you is that one of the speakers, a neurodevelopment therapist, had a severe infection, MRSA, in the lining of her brain. She had have surgery of course. She obviously survived! I'm not sure how long her recovery was, but she is doing well.

    I just offer that as HOPE. Hope found in our Lord Jesus Christ.

  2. On this Friday morning, I am praying that God stays close to you, you stay close to God and p sweet Maia continues to improve. Much love...


We love hearing from our bloggy friends, but please keep this in mind.
"By swallowing evil words unsaid, no one has ever harmed his stomach." ~ Winston Churchill