Fall 2013

Fall 2013

Monday, May 25, 2009

Memorial Day - Honoring our Servicemen

I’d like to take a moment to mention Memorial Day. Over the years, the meaning of the holiday has changed – perhaps decreased in significance to many people. It has become a day of picnics, yard work, auto racing, a long weekend, for some a reminder of our loved ones who have died. And those are all good things…

However, I would ask that you reflect for a few moments on the original intention of the holiday. Memorial Day originated as a way to honor servicemen (and women) who have made the ultimate sacrifice for our country. We have all heard about amazing acts of bravery and heroism – I’m sure there are even more stories that will never be told.

While I don’t always understand or support the choices that our government makes in issues of conflict, I DO support the men and women who fight for the United States. These individuals are worthy of our respect, recognition, and appreciation.

Take a few moments today to commemorate those who have died in service to our country and thank those who have served or are currently serving. Maybe even reach out to those who feel the burden of having family, friends, or loved ones who are deployed and do something to remind them that they are not forgotten.

Mark and I honor, recognize, and thank you on this Memorial Day 2009.

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