Fall 2013

Fall 2013

Saturday, May 2, 2009

A Little History

For those of you who know us well, this is probably not new information. But for those of you who we don't know as well or those who are visiting our site for the first time, Mark and I wanted to give a little background of what has brought us to this point. We'll probably share more specifics as we go, in the meantime - here are the basics.

Mark and I met in January 2005. We dated for about 6 months and he proposed in July of that year. Since neither of us were getting any younger (I was 35 and he was 42), we knew that we wanted to start a family right away. Our wedding took place on a chilly (ok, downright cold) October day and people are still talking about the memorable occasion.

We assumed that pregnancy would come easy for us. Unfortunately, that was not the case. For a while we took a laid back approach just enjoying being newlyweds and hoped that getting pregnant would just happen. After 3 years of marriage and much discussion, we decided that we wanted to find out why it wasn't happening. Mark and I went through a fertility work-up with the sobering news that pregnancy was unlikely to be an option for us. Even if I did become pregnant, the chance of complications and high likelihood of miscarriage resulted in our doctor's recommendation that we pursue adoption if we were serious about becoming parents.

To make a long story short (I'll share the long story another time), we have chosen domestic infant adoption as our current path to parenthood. We know that there are many singles and couples out there with the same dream and that our chances of finding a birth mom are in God's hands. When I first began to pray about our infertility issues and His plan for our lives, I clearly heard a message from God. I continue to hear that message every time that I pray for His direction and assurance. Mark and I may not know any of the details, but God does. He has told us "You will have your child." And so our journey continues...


  1. You know I am very, very excited for you. I am also super excited that you now have blog I can follow.

  2. Congratulations! Looking forward to seeing what God has in stork(e) for you:). Thank you for sharing your journey!
    God Bless,


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