Fall 2013

Fall 2013

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Thankful Thursday - Opportunities

Good morning, everyone!

I'm going to try to get this done early today... I am here at my clinical site and have a late start to the morning so I will use a few minutes to share what I am grateful for.

#1 - This morning, I had a perfect drive. There was no fog for a change, it was warm enough that I didn't have to be concerned about slippery roads. The sky started to get light about 45 minutes into my drive. I was able to set the cruise and spend some time in prayer.

#2 - Tomorrow, Mark and I are speaking to a high school class about our adoption journey. The daughter of one of his friends asked if we would be willing to do this. What a great opportunity to share our story and perhaps impact the lives of some of the kids we interact with.  I believe that God has a purpose in this and am excited! I don't have expectations for it impacting our adoption, but hope that we can bless someone's life.

#3 - As I've shared recently, Mark and I have been kind of rethinking how our adoption journey might look. We've decided that we want to explore our options. So... on Monday, we are meeting with a physician who specializes in international adoption for a consultation. She will explain medical terms used in other countries, challenges specific to different countries, and basically provide information that may help us decide if we want to consider international adoption. I am thankful that we live close to an international adoption clinic and have this resource available to us, both as we consider this option and then if we choose to take that path.

What does your day find you thankful for??

1 comment:

  1. How exciting!!!

    I could give you the answer to INternational adoption =)

    Don't let any Dr. scare you!


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