Fall 2013

Fall 2013

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Our week

I apologize that I have been neglectful in blogging this week. It's been a combination of things. We've had computer issues that still aren't completely resolved - a virus that shut down the laptop and all of my pictures/files have disappeared (UGH!!).

Work has been really busy and I'm still struggling with the change that will be taking place soon. "Struggling" may not be the most accurate description, though. Grieving is probably a better term. Friday will be my last day at the nursing home I have worked at since I became an NP. I will have to say good-bye to patients and families that I have gotten to know well over the past twenty months. I've been blessed with some beautiful friendships with staff members at the nursing home as well. And although I won't be saying "good-bye" (since I know we will still be friends), I will miss seeing them every day at work. I feel a great sense of sadness and loss as I leave. One week from tomorrow, I will begin to care for patients at a different nursing home. It's hard to be positive about the change - the descriptions I hear are not complimentary. So, I keep reminding myself that God has a plan for me at this new place, too. That in spite of the environment, He is the one who has called me to serve, called me to care for the elderly. And HE is the one who will give me strength to face these new challenges. He reminds me to see His SON in every face I encounter. Although I know that there will be moments I fail, I pray that there will also be moments where I make a difference, times when I act as God's hands and feet, and that I can show His love in all I do.

Maia is doing all right. Carolyn, thanks for the suggestion about the probiotics! We found out last Monday that she does not have a UTI, but does have an infection in her old shunt site. The wound culture grew bacteria that is resistant to many antibiotics and she is on a new one for two weeks. Our sweet girl is still not herself. She's much more irritable than she was prior to the surgery (and even immediately after surgery). We're also keeping a close eye on some stomach pain that she's having and hoping it is just related to the antibiotics. Praying that this is not the new "norm" for her or that doctor's are missing something. It's tough when she has such a high pain tolerance and isn't very verbal about how she is feeling.

I'll end this post with just a couple of Sunday funnies from the kids. Mark and Matthew play a little game when we're eating. Mark will tell Matthew to look at something in the distance while he pretends to take his food. Well today, Matthew decided he would play the trick on daddy. He said, "Daddy look over there!" While Mark was looking away, Matthew pretended to take a bite of food. Only problem? He was taking his own food - not daddy's! Had to giggle at that one!

During this morning's children's sermon at church, our pastor was talking about getting closer to Jesus. Well, Maia must have decided that message was specifically for her. She got up and walked right up to the altar to get close to Jesus. Sometimes, I think we should carry a video camera to church just in case. ;-)

Proof that they just don't quite grasp all the language concepts yet... We came home and I told the kids I would race them to the front door. Mark ran up and yelled, "I'm going to cheat" and pushed me (no, not hard) off the sidewalk. The kids thought that was hysterical and started pushing me, yelling "cheat, cheat" - too funny!

Happy Sunday everyone!

PS - I backdated a post for Matthew's eight month's home anniversary - so be sure to read below!


  1. You are welcome! I hope they can help! Also I'm glad they figured out what was going on with her site and hope she feels better soon!!


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