Fall 2013

Fall 2013

Sunday, November 28, 2010


Weather report, Nice day. 10am and about 45 with mostly cloudy skies.
McDonalds is just across the street. We need to buy water to drink and cook with.
So far we have had supper and breakfast (although we missed breakfast @ Mcdonalds
by a few minutes). So Melanie had a salad, I had a cheese burger for breakfast.

No cell phone yet but Olga left hers here last night and she has called us on our phone
(the one we will use) to tell us she is coming at 11am today and will give us the phone.
We tried to get the number from her phone but the phones here are not set up the same way
as the phones in the states. 

Melanie will write a better post soon (from a womans point of view)

1 comment:

  1. I would pick salad and a burger over eggs anyday. Sounds like your getting settled in a little. :)


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