Fall 2013

Fall 2013

Friday, March 29, 2013

Deja Vu

We've been here before... Miss Maia has decided that she does not like to stay in bed after being tucked in at night. This has been a recent issue (and was when she first came home). I calmly escorted her back to bed five times tonight. She let me know how unhappy she was about that - lol! Guess I should just be thankful that she is able to get out of bed by herself again. Sigh...


  1. Just a note: Kurt has a family! I just was reading your blog and noticed his picture there. Have a great day! :)

  2. A small part of you must be laughing because she can test your limits. She is wanting to test those limits, and she can. In the midst of the frustration, there is a "Thank You God!"


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