Fall 2013

Fall 2013

Friday, June 3, 2011

Happy Birthday!

Today, our son turns four. I knew that we wouldn't have him home by his birthday, but I had hoped that we would be there in that EE country to celebrate with him. To bring him a special treat, presents. To hold him and tell him that he is loved, SO very much! To reassure him that from this birthday forward, there will always be a family who cares about him and thinks that the day he was born is reason to rejoice.
My heart is aching today because I can't be there with my sweet boy. I wonder if he knows it is his birthday, if there is anything done to recognize the day, to celebrate HIM!
Soon if all goes as we hope/pray, Matthew WILL be home and what a day of rejoicing that will be! I'm thinking that a belated birthday party may be in order for our little guy. A day just for him - with birthday cake, ice cream, toy cars/trucks, family, friends!
But for today, I will wish him Happy Birthday in my heart and send wishes on angels' wings - hoping that somehow he feels them and "knows" that his forever family is coming for him as soon as we possibly can.

1 comment:

  1. Happy 4th Birthday, sweet Matthew! Your mommy and daddy love you so much!! Can't wait to see you in their arms celebrating your 4th birthday!! Belated 4th birthday parties are the best!!


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