Fall 2013

Fall 2013

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Appointment update and a little reality

We had a lazy morning again. Got ready for our state department appointment after lunch. Vitaly picked us up and we headed to the office. We met up with Olga and the Mickschls there. We haven't seen them since Kyiv so it was nice to visit for a little while before our meeting. I looked back at our blog to see what I wrote about this appointment last time. I had commented about it being a very somber and serious meeting, lasting about 45 minutes. I remember feeling closely scrutinized about our motives for adopting Maia.
While I wasn't nervous about today, I was anticipating a similar experience. The meeting was held in the office of the administrator of the state department. There was another state department employee there as well as Angelina (the orphanage director), Olga, Mark and me (and Maia, of course). At the last meeting, there was also a social worker present. She was not there today - she's on maternity leave after adopting a beautiful little girl from M&M's orphanage - we did see her on our first day here. Anyway... Marina presented the information about Matthew to the administrator. She then spoke on our behalf and told how we had adopted Maia six months ago, speaking about how much progress she has made in the time since she has been home with us. The administrator asked if we were fully informed about Matthew's medical diagnosis. He asked why we specifically wanted to adopt Matthew, if we owned our own home, and if Mark was unemployed. When we explained that this was a intentional choice so that he could be home with Maia and now Matthew until they started school while I work, the administrator seemed satisfied with that. I think Olga is quite persuasive in her discusions about where I work and the importance of that in caring for the kids. Olga was translating for us and she started to say, "It is our regret...." Mark and I both just froze. We didn't look at each other, but were prepared for the worst. I was trying to read Olga's face and it was without expression. She continued saying "that no one in our country will adopt [Matthew] so we will support your adoption." Whew! That was a nervewracking moment. We asked her to give the administrator our thanks and explained that we would have been very happy if a family in Ukraine had adopted him because that was what is most important to us. But, we are grateful for the opportunity to be his family. Whole appointment lasted about 15 minutes.
Visited the orphanage later in the day. Matthew came running to us, I was closest so I got the first hug but then it was all about "papa." Mark is teaching him "daddy" and within just a few times, Matthew was repeating it back. He is so much different than Maia. He's really quite loud and tries so hard to communicate with us, we can see it is frustrating to him when he can't get his point across. We can see that there is a long road ahead teaching him about appropriate social behavior. I suppose some of it is just personality difference given that they were in the same groupa. He was so sad when we left this afternoon. It is hard to see that. He must wonder why Maia gets to go with us and he doesn't.
Olga put our paperwork (along with the Mickschl's paperwork) on the night train to Kyiv. This is our approval from the state department to adopt. It will go the SDA for processing and gives us permission to go to court. At this point, we still don't know when our court date will be.
Tomorrow, we will go the orphanage in the morning. The washing machine repairman is coming in the afternoon which will be good because I need to do some laundry. Tomorrow night, we are planning to have dinner with the Mickschls and the Allans. Olga, Vitaly, and Alex will accompany us. The Allans' court decree comes into effect on Friday so they will be able to pick up their daughter Friday evening if all the paperwork is completed. They will head back to Kyiv for the Embassy appts.
Today, I am reminded that I am sooo imperfect. This is an emotional journey. I have to look to God for strength and direction instead of just shutting down and becoming upset. I am very thankful that my sweet hubby tolerates some of my less than admirable moments.

Prayer requests for today include:
- Maia. I can tell she's feeling a little punky today. Nothing specific, no fever, cough. Perhaps just overly tired, but please pray that she will stay healthy and feel better tomorrow.
- Ongoing prayer request for the earliest possible court date.
- Strength for Mark and me in the journey that lies ahead. There are moments when it does seem a bit overwhelming. We had the same feelings last time and it does not change our desire to bring Matthew home. But, we know that it will not be an easy road.
- Continued bonding/attachment with our newly formed family.

1 comment:

  1. Praying for strength and for peace for you both as you journey through this time!! Praying that your love for Matthew will deepen as the days go by!


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