Fall 2013

Fall 2013

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Thankful Thursday

On time... two weeks in a row - yippee!!

#1 - My mom - We are working hard to get our adoption portfolio put together. This is a file for the birth mom to look at as she is selecting a family for her child so we want to brag ourselves up a little bit. My mom has a great deal of experience in graphic design and is graciously helping us. I know that the portfolio will look much better with a professional (mom) working on it and I am very thankful for all of her talents!

#2 - Yummy (and easy) recipes - I made one of my all time favorite recipes tonight, Caramel Krispie Treats. They are beyond wonderful - I am going to take some to work tomorrow to share. Yes, Mark... I will leave some home for you as well (and yes, I also know you think I am nuts for "baking" when I have so many other things going on - what can I say... it decreases my stress level).

#3 - The chance to do nice things for others - Ok, this really isn't much and I am not trying to pat myself on the back, it's more just such a good feeling to make someone else's day. I had clinicals today and brought rolls for the staff - they are always so welcoming and have really made me feel comfortable there. So bringing treats was not a big deal, but everyone was thrilled to have them. Also, one of the nurses loves Eyore. I had a partially used pad of Pooh/Eyore post-its at work so I took took them with me to give to Donna. She was very touched. Again, it wasn't about "me" - it was about bringing a smile to another person's face and that was a wonderful feeling! One of my favorite quotes is "Be kinder than necessary to everyone you meet for we are all fighting some kind of battle." Sometimes, things that we don't even stop to think about can make all the difference for someone who is having a tough day. What can you do to make a someone's day a little brighter??

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